I know these are all out of focus, but here's the thing, they shouldn't be. I couldn't get a single picture to be infocus. I thought the outcome looks very cool.

My life in pictures, stories, paintings, and words. I need to express myself in all areas of art and creativity. This is simply another outlet for me to do so.
it's because there's a lot of ghosts in that hallway...a lot! and they didn't want you to take their picture...i guess they managed to escape though since it wasn't actual "film"...and btw, i'm not kidding.
they are interesting pics though.
the hallway kinda reminds me of the last few scenes of titanic the movie when the boat was sinking and also a bit like those scenes in "the shining" with jack nicholson right before the creepy little girls appear.
That was exactly what I thought! Jesus, but my hallway is haunted. Finally, an explantation and it was captured on film!
that's your own hallway? *eek* i wouldn't be able to walk to my apt if the hallway looked like that...that's just me though...but then again, i would have known it was haunted even without the pictures.
I can totally feel spirits and 'bad aroras and such, also. I really think people and places give off vibes and colors. I love my apartment, just not the building. I think these pictures are very telling.
I've felt many, many things in my life and I've seen a few also. I use to have dreams about things happening and then they would come true. I asked for the 'gift' to stop. Now it's a matter of whether or not I want to be in touch with the feelings or not.
now i see why my blog is interesting to you...i often dance around those very topics in my writing...yes i can do all the things you listed and more because i never became afraid of the gifts when i was young...sometimes i was scared, but i never wanted to stop knowing so much...i always wanted to know more...and more and more...now i know too much, but i would never ask it to stop...why would you give up such a gift? and it is a gift, you just may not see it that way.
As an adult I could and can handle it, but I've always had visions, dreams, things I could see and feel from my earliest memories, however, when it became very prominant and started to freak me out was when I was 12-13-ish and I would have dreams of people dying or being hurt and it would come true later in the day. It just freaked me out to be able to see things like that.
I also saw my own death. I dreamed I was to die on my 16th b.day. I saw it perfectly, but I was 13 (maybe). Obviously, it didn't happen. However, on my 16th b.day I was positioned where I dreamed I would be, at the time and everything, I just sat and prayed that it wouldn't happen.
Plus, I had so much other crap going on when I was at this age, that I simply didn't want or need something else.
Now, it's a different story. It just depends if I'm tuned into it or not. However, I am much more receptive and willing to see, feel, look, accept things. I'm also no longer scared of the gift.
Colors, visions, dreams, feelings, vibes, everything; it's still all there, just a matter of recognizing it.
Like my hallway, I wasn't suprised by the pictures, in fact I laughed. Doesn't scare me at all. Come on in, let's chat whatchya got to say? (The spirits, that is)
Goodness, that was a wordy answer to get to that last little bit.
REDRUM REDRUM I swear that went through my mind by the 3rd picture!!!
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